Saturday 13 September 2014

Intro to my blog...

Hi everyone (I am hoping it's more than just me.. ;-) ),
This is my first blog...ever! I know, pretty sad for someone of my advanced age to just be starting on such effort but better late than never.

I have a few goals and ideas for this blog...the first is to try to share some of the things that I get up to with a wider audience. Secondly, I have this grand vision that one day, if I can ever retire, I may be able to be a travel writer (stop laughing already). Finally, I would like to get more people involved in some of the things that I am passionate about...namely history and experiencing new things.

Please note that there will be some weak efforts at humor in my have been warned!!!

Okay...a little background. For those of you that are not in my circle of friends, I grew up in Laurel Maryland (Known for two things...a horse racing track and for being where Gov George McGovern was shot), went to LHS (Graduated in 1977...Go Spartans!!!) and joined the USAF the day after graduation. I spent 15 years in the USAF...starting out as an Airman and, after getting my BS from the University of Maryland (Go Terps!!) in 1984, obtained my commission in 1986. I held a number of positions including weather officer and detachment commander (at Kelly AFB, Texas). I also had the privilege of flying on the USAF ABNCP whilst stationed at Offutt AFB, Nebraska.

I left the USAF in 1992...I blame the Russians, fall of the Berlin wall and all that didn't help my long term career prospects. I did some meteorological consultancy in California and St Louis until 1997 then moved to the UK (Long story as to why...those who know me will have an idea...the rest can wait till another post). I started out doing manual labor for a while then dropped into Project Management which I have been doing since 1998-99. Not the most exciting career but it pays the bills and isn't really working is it?

I've now moved back to the US (Jan 2017)...plying my trade as a PM for a company in Tampa Bay.

Now, what are the things that interest me...? Kinda leads itself to the whole reason for this blog doesn't it? I guess you should count your blessings that I am not doing a VLOG...that wouldn't be pretty! I really love to travel and have a goal of going to at least one new country every year...I have listed below some of the places that I've had the pleasure of visiting over the past 8-10 years...some will get separate blogs later.

-Ireland (Republic and Northern)
-Czech republic
-England (Oh well, I used to live there)
-Wales (Pretty much is England but with funny accents..)
-Scotland (May be a separate country in a week anyway)

Now, I (being the uber efficient person that I am) often try to combine my love of travel with my interest in history, specifically, that of the 101st AB Division. Some of you may have heard of the 101st AB from the series Band Of Brothers...but that was only a small part of the story and was not 100% accurate...even though it was a great series (I had the chance to meet one of the actors this past summer). An example of this ultra efficiency is my visit to Normandy in May this year...had a chance to visit a number of the key sites which the 101st AB were involved in along with continuing to explore France (It was my 5th trip in total)....that trip will be the subject of a blog in the very near future.

I hope that you will follow my blog as I am proud of what I have seen and done and would love to share my thoughts with as many people who will listen...that and I really need to think of another career as this PM thing just ain't doing it for me. ;-)

Love you all..

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